Monday, November 13, 2023
3:15 PM - 4:15 PM
Location: Grand East Ballroom
Breakout Session 3A: Municipal Infrastructure: Lessons for the Next Generation
In the mid-2010s, Canada saw a marked growth in municipal P3s, driven in large part by the federal government’s P3 Canada Fund. This saw new communities trying the model and new asset classes like water/wastewater and transit coming onstream. As the Council works to create a new Municipal Engagement Strategy, we’re taking a deep dive into this P3 Canada Fund municipal cohort. What lessons can be learned from this generation of projects for other municipalities contemplating similar projects? How are they performing in their operations and maintenance phase? How important has it been to harness the expertise of the private sector via P3s for communities with limited capacity?
- Marianne Smith, Partner, Blakes
- Sam Johnson, Director of Development, Graham Capital
- Asif Kurji, Senior Advisor, Consultant, Capital Investments and Infrastructure, City of Calgary
- Edward Ng, Partner, Strategy and Transaction, EY
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